Yoga & Meditation

A testimonial Yoga client with Lupus & Fibromyalgia

Yoga & Me!

I have lived with chronic disability for the past 10 years. A life with Lupus and Fibromyalgia is pretty tough, on the surface I look well and healthy hence no one understands the daily challenges that I’m up against. There are days when I find it difficult getting out of bed due to chronic fatigue mixed with fibro burn that causes every part of my body and every muscle to hurt.

"on the surface I look well and healthy hence no one understands the daily challenges that I’m up against"

I had to learn how to live with my disabilities and I wanted to get off, or at least reduce, the number of antidepressants that I had been prescribed. Antidepressants seemed to be the GP’s answer to everything! Whereas for me I knew there had to be something else that could help which is where my Yoga venture commenced. 

A good friend of mine told me about Ellen Kay’s yoga and having bucked up the courage to contact Ellen I was relieved when she offered to meet me for a one-to-one session as I didn’t have the confidence or inner strength to join a group.  


Yoga & Meditation

I knew that my exercise levels were virtually zero and there was no way on earth that I ever thought I could do a downward facing dog but thanks to the support, kindness and reassurance of one wonderful lady, I can now say that I CAN 😊

I soon realised that yoga isn’t just about physical movement, it also about mindfulness and overall wellbeing. Yoga has taught me how to listen to my body, only do what my body will allow me to do, recognise my limitations and concentrate on mindful breathing. I use these breathing techniques on a daily basis and have found that it really helps uplift my mood and focus on the day ahead.

"I soon realised that yoga isn’t just about physical movement, it also about mindfulness and overall wellbeing"

The practice of yoga has helped build up my core strength and given me an overall improvement in physical fitness. I really look forward to the weekly session and always come away feeling empowered about what I have just achieved. I never push myself I just do what my body allows but for the whole of the session I’m made to feel like I’m normal and not like someone ‘living with a disability’ or a label.

For anyone who has a fear of trying yoga my advice is ‘give it a go’ as I’m sure like me you will reap the benefits, not only physically but also mentally as I can 100% say that my mental wellbeing is so much better and I no longer rely on antidepressants to keep me going.

#fibromyalgia #lupus #despression #antidepressant #chronicpain #confidence #innerstrength #empowered